Moheb Mehr Hospital has substituted novel and scientific management systems with traditional approaches. With a process-oriented thinking and systematic management attitude, it has always taken into consideration the organizational excellence model to reach its goals with the core emphasis on patients as well. Among the important notes of management in the hospital is patient-centeredness, delegating authority to managers of departments to specialize responsibilities, balanced strategic management, function-based management system, organizational culture management, and focus on merit.
The primary policies of the hospital are as follows:
1- Giving priority to promoting the safety of patients, carers, physicians, and staff
2- Commitment to continuous quality improvement (CQI) via periodic surveillance and assessment
3- Optimum and efficient exploitation of human resources, financial resources, equipment, and physical space in the hospital
4- Academic and systematic management in accordance with national and international standards
5- Assessing the hospital’s performance to attain the objectives and strategic plans by applying the balanced scorecard (BSC) instrument
6- Taking into consideration upgrading the health of service recipients, environment, staff, and community with the approach of deploying standards of Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH)
7- Scientific survey of beneficiaries with seasonal sequence and evaluating and monitoring the results gained for the improvement of the satisfaction level, loyalty, and value creation by the third party company and presenting feedback to process owners
8- Decision-making on the basis of collective wisdom (collective intelligence) and scientific findings and utilizing the viewpoints and recommendations of staff, patients, and referred ones in hospital committees
9- Using efficient and experienced manpower and their periodic education
10- Empowering staff through holding educational and entertainment workshops
11- Transparency of the accounts (invoice) and the patients’ payment amounts with the centrality of justice and according to the tariffs approved by the Council of Ministers and the book of relative values of health services and care
All this hospital’s administrators and staff regard themselves obligated and undertaking to the observance of current standards in the hospital in the respective scopes of the job. We believe that upgrading the quality of safety improvement services and the satisfaction of stakeholders will undoubtedly contribute to the hospital’s growth and excellence for the better provision of health services.
Our Slogan
Desirable treatment for everybody
(Health for All)
Macro Goals:
The accomplishment of the following objectives has always been taken into account by the hospital’s management and staff, and we seek the circumstances facilitating the attainment of these goals with complete sincerity and commitment. On the basis of a well-organized, pre-specified, and systematic plan, we have therefore taken actions for the realization of management system goals as described below:
1- Risk management and upgrading patient and staff safety
2- Developing and promoting the quality and quantity in the delivery of services
3- Value creation for customers and enhancing their satisfaction
4- Improving human resource management (HRM)
5- Expanding revenues, strengthening financial strength, and declining expenditures